2024Miraculous photos &UFO
the 1980's, Illustration that I drawn like a photo print, with an air brush was a boom.




In the age of film cameras, UFOs could be photographed,
Is it no longer possible to shoot UFOs with digital cameras?
That's because digital cameras are equipped with powerful IR cut filters.

UFOs operate in the electromagnetic domain, invisible to the human eye. Older cameras can capture the infrared region, which is part of that electromagnetic spectrum.


UFOs are difficult to see with the naked eye,
In the age of film cameras, UFOs could be photographed,
Is it no longer
possible to shoot UFOs with digital cameras?
That's because digital
cameras are equipped with powerful IR cut filters.

Infrared light has the characteristic of being easier to pass through the spatial absorption band than visible light, so it is effective for grasping UFOs hidden behind it.





Sensitivity of photosensitive ink, color taste, thickness of coating, unevenness required condition ...

Pretty, the variable element works on the work of the work is the difference from ordinary photos www

My blog is simple and rudimentary.
I just copy the ivy content in one place to another blog.
for example,

UAP experiment
Part 1.
Is it real if UFO researchers react to real UAP images?
Mostly fake and government-intentioned?

Most UFO research groups around the world may be fake. I don't even have a realistic photo of a UFO.

Most UFO Sites Don't Believe In UFOs?
Even if you look at a realistic UAP image, there is no reaction at all?
Doesn't even the Pentagon have realistic UAP images?

If dark energy is put into practical use before 2030, will the future be harsh unless we take into consideration that gas energy will almost never be used?
Is the United States the top in terms of basic patents? Will it be put into practical use in 2025? Is the UAP information disclosure by the US Department of Defense part of that?

Are unidentified flying objects under blackout worldwide? Are authorities repeatedly hiding information? Is it just light or ghosts that are reported? Why don't everyone shoot when they have a camera?

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