2024Miraculous photos &UFO
the 1980's, Illustration that I drawn like a photo print, with an air brush was a boom.



銀座4丁目スエヒロ ビーフカレー レトルト 黒毛和牛使用 200g×6個

Modern pictures are completed with digital data on the computer.
Classical technique photography consists of an amalog camera, film, and finally on paper

Thus, the effect is determined, and in digital it is an impossible finish.
#PigmentChromePrint #old-sunprint #popchrome
#JazzPrint #JazzGumPrint #JazzPigment

9月3日(火)15:47 | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0) | 趣味 | 管理

PigmentChromePrint #old-sunprint #popc

【第3類医薬品】コンドロイチンZS錠 270錠
The greatest feature of this classic technique is the final, printing process, by hand, doing www

Sensitivity of photosensitive ink, color taste, thickness of coating, unevenness required condition ...
#Analog Inkjet Photo
PigmentChromePrint #old-sunprint #popchrome #jazzchrome

9月3日(火)04:02 | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0) | 趣味 | 管理
