2024Miraculous photos &UFO
the 1980's, Illustration that I drawn like a photo print, with an air brush was a boom.


PigmentChromePrint #old-sunprint #popc

Pigment photography production 

is surprisingly . However, as there are many variable

 elements, like the normal picture, you can not always

 make the same thing. That's where the interest is

 divided. This is a photo illustration to the last. It is

 not computer graphics either. The ultimate goal is

 the original vintage print.#color gum bichromate prints.

OLYMPUS ミラーレス一眼 PEN-F Body SLV

8月11日(日)20:24 | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0) | 趣味 | 管理

PigmentChromePrint #old-sunprint #popc


Modern pictures are completed with digital data on the computer.One-ness
Classical technique photography consists of an amalog camera, film, and finally on paper
#tri-color gum bichromate prints.

Defend Future【栄養士×防災士監修】5年保存の非常食セット5日分 栄養バランスを考慮した心も身体も満たされる非常食セット (5日分)

8月11日(日)18:03 | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0) | 趣味 | 管理


Pigment photography production

is surprisingly . However, as there are many variable elements, like the normal picture, you can not always make the same thing. That's where the interest is divided. This is a photo illustration to the last. It is not computer graphics either. The ultimate goal is the original vintage print.#color gum bichromate prints.

Dell ノートパソコン Inspiron 5575 Ryzen 5 リーコンブルー 19Q32RB/Windows 10/15.6 FHD/8GB/1TB HDD

8月11日(日)13:13 | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0) | 趣味 | 管理
